QATA advocates for Visual Art education in Queensland by providing professional development and networking opportunities for teachers; advising education authorities on policy and curriculum development; and providing teachers with opportunities to engage critically with contemporary art practices.

The Queensland Art Teachers Association is a fully incorporated professional association committed to the promotion of the Visual Arts in the field of education. Established in 1961, QATA is managed by teacher volunteers and funded by membership subscription, to network with and service the needs of visual art educators in primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.

Upcoming events

What’s on

Term 1 events


Cluster events in Darling Downs, North Coast, Gold Coast

In the studio online workshop

Term 2 events

Early bird tickets on sale for QATACON24

Submit entries for QATACON tote bag, hero image

Nominate to present in the Educator showcase

In the studio online workshop

Term 3 events

QATACON24 July 11, 12, 13

In the studio online workshop

Term 4 events

In the studio online workshop

Cluster events throughout Queensland


Join or Renew

Established in 1961, QATA is managed by teacher volunteers and funded by membership subscription, to network with and service the needs of visual art educators in primary, secondary and tertiary sectors across Queensland.

Membership levels are available for individuals, institutions and tertiary students. 


What our members say

QATA conference feedback 2023


THANKYOU, this workshop provided great ideas and resources to take back to school.

conference participant

Session was great for my own artist practice, but also for my teaching practice – teaching skills and techniques to students to help with being reflective in their art practice.

conference participant

It was very interesting and engaging to explore the presenter’s process and consider an alternative approach for making. The art historical backwards mapping she engages in is an excellent example for Visual Art students.

conference participant

Really enjoyed the artist talk and highly relevant to the General Visual Art syllabus giving teachers further insights into the artists practice.

conference participant


Latest News

Art matters in 2025!

READ THE TERM 1 NEWSLETTERSo many good things happening in 2025. You will want to be a part of this! QATACON25 news Zart special QATA discount CAD Visual Art Excellence Scholarship Membership New resources Art Teacher Art exhibition AGM (details below) IMA exhibition...

QATA SPECIAL PD EVENT for North QLD teachers & students!

QATA’S BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND is coming VERY SOON to North Queensland! DONT’ MISS OUT! QATACON23 artist Anthony Vanghoua Vue will be repeating his Tape-affiti workshop from QATACON23 and adding a second workshop on his Wearable Art practice. Attendees can...

QATACON24 program

QATACON24 PROGRAMFind all the important details, including artist bios, contact details, workshop descriptions, schedules for each day, venues, what to bring and what you can look forward to. READ MORE AND STAY UP-TO-DATE WITH ALL OF THE QATACON24 NEWS HERE: QATACON24...