28 Jan Art matters in 2025!

So many good things happening in 2025.
You will want to be a part of this!
QATACON25 news
Zart special QATA discount
CAD Visual Art Excellence Scholarship
New resources
Art Teacher Art exhibition
AGM (details below)
IMA exhibition and behind-the-scenes presentation
and a whole lot more throughout the year! Keep watching!
Annual General Meeting & IMA presentation

Sunday 23 Feb 2025 | 11am Hosted by the Institute of Modern Art.
All are welcome!
Join us for the QATA 2025 AGM at the IMA, Fortitude Valley. Following the AGM we will tour Archie Moore’s exhibition Comic Paintings. If you can’t be here in-person you will be able to join us on-line for the AGM.
Refreshments will be provided for our AGM. If you wish to attend, please click the button to register.
At the AGM all executive positions will be declared vacant. We always love to see new faces and welcome our regulars.
You don’t need any special skills to be on QATA exec. e.g. do you know your way around Facebook and Instagram? Then we need you! QATA exec meet online on the first Wednesday of each month @6pm.
Be sure to nominate if you would like to be more involved through an official QATA position.
But please note: You do not have to nominate for a position to attend the AGM. We won’t put any pressure on you. We would just love to come along for the fun at IMA.