Arts Advocacy in Queensland

Arts Advocacy in Queensland

The five Arts subject professional associations met over the holidays to support teachers in schools in the planning and implementation of the The Australian Curriculum: The Arts in Queensland. This collective has come together under the name Queensland Advocates for Arts Education (QAAE), previously operating as the Queensland Arts Alliance (QAA), and consists of ATOM Qld, Queensland Art Teachers’ Association (QATA), Australian Society for Music Educators Qld Branch, Ausdance and Drama Queensland.

As you are aware, the five subjects of dance, drama, media arts, music and visual arts have been identified as an entitlement for every young person. While this is an outstanding achievement for Queensland’s students, we have important concerns about how the curriculum will be delivered and supported, given the current expertise and resources available to students and teachers within Queensland schools.

The Queensland Advocates for Arts Education would therefore like to keep you informed of our work in advocating for quality Arts Education. To date, we have written to the following organisations and requested meetings with the Minister, Director General and the CEO, QSA:

  • Qld Minister for Education, Training and Employment
  • Director General – Education, Training and Employment
  • Queensland Studies Authority
  • Qld Independent Education Union
  • Qld Teachers Union
  • Qld Parents and Citizens Association
  • Heads of Independent Schools of Australia, Queensland Branch
  • Qld Secondary State Principals Association
  • Qld Primary Principals Association
  • Qld Catholic Primary Principals Association
  • Qld Independent Primary Principals
  • Qld Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association
  • Qld Catholic Secondary Principals

We would also appreciate any feedback you or your colleagues have regarding the following questions that we are raising with key stakeholders:

  • To ensure Queensland students receive a quality education in five Arts subjects, what systems are in place to ensure effective implementation of the Australian Curriculum: The Arts?
  • What plans are being developed to ensure suitable resourcing for five arts subjects and the provision of appropriate facilities for safe arts learning?
  • In terms of state schools, will The Arts receive appropriate resourcing for the development of quality Curriculum to Classroom materials to support teachers?
  • As professional associations, how can we work with your organization to ensure the vision of The Australian Curriculum: The Arts is realized for every Queensland young person?

Please find attached a document that further outlines our objectives as the peak group for arts education associations.  We look forward to letting you know more about our efforts to support the implementation of The Australian Curriculum: The Arts in Queensland.