Ceramics/Pottery for Art Teachers with Dianne Peach

Ceramics/Pottery for Art Teachers with Dianne Peach

Join this curriculum-relevant workshop to upskill and modernise your existing clay knowledge.  Explore some cross-curricular activities that broaden the worth of ceramic activity in your school, touching on a wide range of sciences as well as the humanities.  Wheel and handbuilt techniques will be demonstrated and practised, as well as decorative, glazing, and firing options.  Some work will be completed during the 4 day event and other work my be fired for later collection.

Monday 15 January to Thursday 18 January, 9:30am – 12:30pm for 4 mornings. $285

BIA (Brisbane Institute of Art)

41 Grafton St, Windsor QLD 4030

Click here to register or for more information