10 Nov Draft #3 Visual Art syllabus feedback for QATA
Posted at 22:57h
in QATA | News & Events
Dear QATA members,
Draft #3 of the new Visual Art syllabus is now available for consultation. QATA will provide feedback on behalf of members as we have done for the previous two drafts.
If you wish to provide feedback to inform this collated response please send us an email at [email protected]
We are very keen to hear the views of our members to assist in the process of redeveloping the new syllabuses.
We also encourage members to complete the online survey individually for more detailed feedback.
Draft #3 and the survey can be found here
Please provide any points that you would like included in QATA’s response to us by Monday 14th November. The consultation period closes on Thursday 17th November.
with thanks,
QATA team