13 Feb Grey Street EOI: QATA X South Bank Corporation
South Bank Corporation has developed and approved a Grey Street Place Management Strategy to realise its goal of creating one of Brisbane’s great streets. As Grey Street is not the sole domain of the Corporation, it requires a place making approach to developing a self organising community for the future that actively participates in co-creating the street.
South Bank wants to engage the many diverse communities who use the street to share in the shaping of an integrated design approach and participate in creating ideas for a shared future. To begin this process of change for the Grey Street, a shop front on Grey Street will operate for three months as a PLACE.Lab.
It will be a tool for engaging discussion about the type of street that the community desires, and how the many diverse, and at times conflicting communities, can be involved in creating a meaningful place. It will be venue for developing the cultural aspirations of the community offering design workshops, gathering data, and facilitating partnerships.
School Design workshops
South Bank Corporation is seeking Expressions of Interest from schools who are interested in participating in design by enquiry workshops as a participatory place making workshop to ‘design Grey Street’.
- A venue will be available on Grey Street from May-July 2012 to be known as the PLACE.Lab;
- The venue will house from 10-15 students at one time;
- The venue is open both weekdays and weekends;
- Delivery models for workshops are flexible; from half days to full days, ongoing over a period of time or within a defined timeframe;
- Mentors in urban design, community engagement and cultural development are available;
- Options for displaying outcomes include exhibition within PLACE.Lab and online;
Please contact Chetana Andary, Place Manager, for further information and email proposals to:
P: (07) 3687 2009