17 Nov Information forums – The Arts – webinars
Dear QATA members,
For your information from the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
To help QCAA engage our rural and remote colleagues across the state two webinars will be held statewide during November 2016 to give Arts educators and school leaders an opportunity to discuss the redevelopment and implementation of the Arts suite of syllabuses. The link provided outlines the times and dates available.
This information has been posted as a memo https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/memos/16/086-16.pdf
and will also be published via QCAA social media. Could you please distribute this information widely via your networks to support our colleagues in accessing this online opportunity? Thank you for your continued support in the redevelopment and implementation of the Arts suite of syllabuses.
Kind Regards
Mahoney Archer
Manager – The Arts
Learning Area Unit
Review and Transition Branch
Curriculum Services Division
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
[email protected]
QATA executive