Join QATA at QAGOMA for the Annual General Meeting and join in the festivities of the APT9 opening weekend.

Join QATA at QAGOMA for the Annual General Meeting and join in the festivities of the APT9 opening weekend.

All members welcome.

DATE: Saturday 24 November, 2018
TIME: 10am – 12:00pm

At this meeting all executive positions will be declared vacant (President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer). There are also several sub-committee positions available which can be tailored to your circumstances. This year, we are specifically looking for a conference co-ordinator, and members who would like to assist with conference planning.

Please contact [email protected] for more information about these positions or any other ways you may be interested in helping with in 2018.

Nominations for executive positions and committee positions are due by Wednesday 21 November to [email protected].

If you are interested in logging into the meeting online please email [email protected] and we will let you know the logon details closer to the date.

Please note, there is no obligation to join a committee or take on a position. QATA meetings are a great opportunity to get together, network and share ideas with your colleagues.

This year, our AGM coincides with the not-to-be-missed opening of the 9th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art at the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art.

Please CLICK HERE to register your attendance at the 2018 AGM. This is a free event.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

The QATA Executive Team