06 Jun Bundaberg region Visual Art network cluster group planning day
The Bundaberg Region Visual Art Network Cluster group invites teachers delivering Visual Art General: Visual Art 2019 v1.1 AS Visual Art 2019 v1.1 to attend a Planning Day 28...
The Bundaberg Region Visual Art Network Cluster group invites teachers delivering Visual Art General: Visual Art 2019 v1.1 AS Visual Art 2019 v1.1 to attend a Planning Day 28...
Please join us for the Term 2 Members meeting. We value your input and hope you can make it. Date: Saturday 1 June Time: 10am-12pm Venue: Queensland Art Gallery...
Dear Brisbane based QATA members, You are invited to an art cluster meeting! Date: Wed May 8 from 4 – 5.30. Venue: the Bain Center, Brisbane Girls Grammar...
Please join Bundaberg cluster QATA members for our May meeting. This will be an opportunity to: network and get to know other Visual Art teachers in...
Thursday May 9 (Week 3) Arthouse, St Hilda's School, Southport Life Drawing: 3.30pm for a 3.45 start through to 5.15pm Followed by shared byo plate/meal over a discussion of Art as Lens/Art as...
The 2019 Queensland Art Teachers Association State Conference EXCHANGE 2.0 follows on from the incredible success of QATA’s 2018 2-day Exchange, with more hands-on workshops and...
QATA Conference update Full program and registration will be available from the start of Term 2. Ticket prices, program tasters and special deals on accommodation are available...
Dear QATA members, Earlier this year I was lucky enough to be awarded a bursary from QATA and NGA to attend the 2019 National Visual Art...
The QATA conference this year will again be over two very full and exciting days of curriculum sharing and hands-on workshops. Mark July 19 and...