22 Jun Putting the Arts at the Centre of Curriculum Webinar
Flying Arts in Association with Arts Queensland is presenting a webinar with Arnold Aprill, founder and lead consultant of Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education.
He will present on the on the theme of Putting the Arts at the Centre of Curriculum and the role of the arts in effective school improvement.
There will be a Q & A session following the webinar and participants will be able to download a PD certificate.
WHEN: Tuesday 10th July: 3.30 pm – 4.45 pm
Where: At your computer
For state school teachers please register via the Learning Place & OneChannel.
For non state school teachers and other institutions/organisations please register at [email protected].
To participate in this session you will require a computer with speaker and internet connection. Microphone & web cam are optional (If you wish to use a microphone you will require a combined mic/speaker headset).
For those not use to this format a copy of the Web Conferencing Set up Guide is attached here.