04 Oct QAAE (Queensland Advocates for Arts Education) Communication – senior syllabus implementation
Dear QATA members,
In the last few months, QAAE – the Queensland Advocates for Arts Education, have met to discuss joint concerns regarding the implementation of the new senior syllabuses in 2019 and 2020. QAAE is comprised of representatives from all five state Arts associations, Ausdance QLD, ATOM Qld, ASME, QATA and Drama QLD.
Concerns were specifically around the recently communicated confirmation timelines for 2020. QAAE requested a meeting with QCAA to discuss these concerns.
The attached communication outlines the outcomes of that meeting for your information.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the QATA executive – [email protected]
or district sub-committee members with further queries or concerns.
QAAE communication – confirmation dates
kind regards,
Katy Ward