QATA EGM – Minutes

QATA EGM – Minutes

Dear QATA members,

Welcome to the 2017 school year!

The minutes for the Extraordinary General Meeting held for members on Tuesday 16th January, can be found here Minutes17JAN2017 (1) (1)

At this meeting, the QATA Executive positions for 2017 were finalised.

We are pleased to inform members that the positions will be held by:

President – Katy Ward

Vice-President – Sara Whomsley

Secretary – Dani Towers

Treasurer – Angela Brown

Dates for our member’s meetings for 2017 were also finalised.

More information regarding these meetings will follow shortly.  Our intentions is to use these meetings to provide Professional Development and networking opportunities for our members in a range of ways.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any queries, suggestions or feedback.

Wishing you a smooth start to the year in Art classrooms across Queensland.


QATA Executive