QATA members newsletter July 2020

QATA members newsletter July 2020

Dear members

We hope that you and your loved ones are remaining healthy and safe and that you’ve had plenty of time to wind down after one of the strangest terms ever.

Here’s what’s happening:

Cluster meetings – not just Metro anymore

We’re excited to be back on board with our QATA Cluster meetings. Our term 3 Metro meeting, generously hosted at Brisbane Girls Grammar School is on Monday 27 July 4.00-5.30pm. If you’re not able to attend in person – whether not in Brisbane, or not able to travel across town – you are welcome to join online. Please register and let us know how you will be attending. The online links will be emailed prior to the meeting.

Register here

Megan Brunckhorst and Kylie Dell from QCAA will be in attendance to answer your questions about Senior Visual Art subjects.

QCAA discussion includes:

  • General Senior Visual Art
    • Reflections from the first confirmation event and how it applies to IA1
    • Changes required for the next round of endorsements
    • Submission requirements for IA2
  • VAP
    • Study Plan submissions
    • 2020 adjustments to internal assessment, dates and QA processes
    • QA processes after 2020 & materials required for review

QATA Member PD and workshop – Artists @ Home Residency Program

In partnership with the lovely team at Museum of Brisbane, QATA members have exclusive access to a presentation and workshop with artist, Michelle Vine.

Join your QATA colleagues for a presentation of the Iso-pet project and an artist-led workshop exploring Michelle’s art practice and development of 3-d form.

When: Saturday 8 August | 9.30 – 11.30am

Where: Brisbane Girls Grammar School

As part of the MoB Artists@Home Residency Program, the artists created an exhibition of works using the Covid-19 lockdown experience as stimulus.

Michelle Vine crafted a series of experimental objects known as ‘iso-pets’, turning ordinary household items into lively soft sculptures with their own distinct personalities. The iso-pets were made with foam, fur, fabric and items found around the house.

Michelle Vine is an installation, performance and photo-media artist. Her current practice is centred on physical touch. Michelle aims to bring awareness to  this often overlooked sense  while disrupting the dominance of others, such as sight. Michelle’s practice aims to create playful, positive, embodied art experiences that allow for greater inclusion for audiences of diverse ages and sensory abilities.

  • Art as knowledge – generating ideas from authentic experience
  • VAP community connections
  • Transforming everyday objects for all year levels

This is a free event for QATA members. Registrations are required.

NOTE: We are thrilled to welcome Michelle Vine, who has replaced the original advertised artists for this workshop.

Not in Brisbane? Museum of Brisbane will be filming and streaming this event. Gather a cluster of colleagues in your region and join us online.

Register here

Resource sharing

We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of Queensland art teachers during online learning leading up to and during term 2. It was heart-warming to see how supportive you were of your colleagues, sharing resources, inspiration, materials and ideas. It highlights, not only how compassionate everyone can be in a crisis, but also how amazingly talented and created Queensland art teachers are, whether face-to-face or in virtual classrooms.

There were plenty of resources shared through our QATA Facebook page and we have recognised a need for a more accessible platform for QATA members to share and locate resources. We are looking into what other associations offer in particular and working on the development of a space where you can easily share and find resources now and in the future. Watch this space – we will keep you updated as we progress. As always, we also welcome your input. Get in touch if you’re interested in assisting to get a sharing platform operating. [email protected]

Australian Curriculum review

While much of our focus has been on senior curriculum lately, it is also interesting to know that the P-10 Australian Curriculum review process is now under way.

The review will take place over the next couple of years. ACARA is looking at all learning areas from Foundation to Year 10 with a plan to publish the next version of the Australian Curriculum on an improved website in 2022. Read more about the review process here.

QCAA have established a Prep-Year 10 The Arts Learning Area Reference Group to gather input from professional associations. The reference group will provide advice to the QCAA on:

•      the refinement of the Australian Curriculum: The Arts

•      resources required to support implementation

•      professional learning to support implementation.

QATA has a position on this reference group and will be representing members’ interests in the review process. At times, we may be looking for input and feedback from members that will assist us to present a QATA voice for Visual Art P-10 curriculum. Watch this space for updates.

PD opportunities

There is plenty on offer this term from both Queensland and interstate institutions. Here is a round-up for July and August (and an October). We try to capture these opportunities on QATA Facebook. Please let us know if we miss something that other members might be interested in.


Monday 27 July | BGGS and online 4.00-5.30pm

QATA Cluster meeting. Megan Brunckhorst and Kylie Dell from QCAA will be in attendance to answer your questions about Senior Visual Art subjects.

Register here

Saturday 8 August | BGGS and online 10.00 – 11.30am

Artists presentation and workshop with Michelle Vine.

Register here


Wednesdays in July | Online various times

Visual Thinking Strategies: Virtual Meet-ups
Look closely, think about, talk about and be inspired by art in a series of 30-minute, facilitator-led visual thinking discussions via Zoom. Wednesdays in July, various times
Register here


Tuesday 21 July | Online 4.00–5.30pm

Memory, Place and Practice: Professional Development Program for Educators

Join QAGOMA Learning and Katina Davidson, Curator, Indigenous Art, QAGOMA, in this free virtual professional development program designed for early years and primary educators. The interactive format will explore the practice of senior Queensland Indigenous female artists and the concepts of memory and place. Includes curator Q&A and guest teacher presentations that discuss practical ideas for classroom applications.

Register here


Wednesday 22 July | Online 4:00pm – 5:30pm

NOTE: you will need to create a free account with NGV to register for this program.

Developed in collaboration with the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) this program will explore resources for deepening students’ intercultural understanding and connection to Asian cultures.

 Led by AEF and NGV educators, this interactive online session will work with participants to develop practical strategies to encourage students to think critically about Asian art. Complimentary to this will be a discussion of works by contemporary artists Ai Wei Wei (China), Eko Nugroho (Indonesia) and Kohei Nawa (Japan) in the context of tradition, history, politics, and spirituality.

Register here


Tuesday 28 July | Online  4.00pm – 5.30pm

Join QUT senior Visual Art lecturers, Dr Leah King-Smith and Dr Charles Robb for a free online professional development workshop. Designed for secondary Visual Art teachers by QUT Art Museum and QUT Creative Industries. 
Register here


Tuesday 28 July | Online 4.00–5.30pm

Introduction to Destiny Deacon

NOTE: you will need to create a free account with NGV to register for this program.

What opportunities does DESTINY present for teaching visual art and Australian history, and embedding intercultural understanding across the curriculum? How can they be practically applied both in the classroom and exhibition space? This Virtual Professional Learning program introduces Destiny Deacon’s work and unpacks ideas and themes related to social, historical and political issues in Australian history and culture. The program includes an introduction to a new digital teacher resource featuring DESTINY.


Saturday 17 October | HOTA 9.30am

Cross-curriculum Priorities

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Teacher Professional Development

Cross-curriculum Priorities – our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures professional development program created especially for teachers. Join Yugambeh Museum, HOTA Gallery assistant curator, Indigenous art Rebecca Ray, artist and academic Dr. Ryan Presley and educator and artist Shayna Wells, for our Cross-curriculum Priorities professional development program

Good luck and best wishes for a smooth return to normal in term 3.

The QATA executive team