Exchange 2.0 Feedback

Thanks so much for all your feedback about your Exchange2.0 conference experiences.
After all the hard work of putting the conference together, the conference team was very pleased to see that, out of 182 survey respondents, 94% agreed that the conference met their expectations.
There were some great ideas in the survey feedback for developing the conference and also regional connections, so thank you for your ideas. We’ll look more closely at these in the coming months as we plan for our next conference.

Connect up

The QATA committee has worked hard to try and connect with teachers outside of the South East corner and we will continue to do so.   Some formal QATA subgroups already exist, as listed below, and we’d be happy to support you in your region if you’d like to start a subgroup there.  The advantage to you is that QATA can support your activities through event advertising and the booking and payment system on the QATA website, plus any event you run will be covered by QATA insurance.  We’d love to see subgroups happening throughout the state. If you would like to coordinate a subcommittee, please email us at  [email protected]

Currently we have groups operating in the following locations. Please contact the subcommittee coordinator if you’d like to be added to their contacts list or Facebook group, or if you would like to offer ideas for workshops and other professional learning. 

QCAA Professional learning and syllabus support

If you organise a cluster meeting you can request QCAA officers to be in attendance in person or through a webinar to answer questions. Both of these arrangements are effective.
Use the online request form

  • Jo Hine, Visual Art Principal Education Officer – new General Visual Art Syllabus PD
  • Megan Brunckhorst, Senior Education Officer – Visual Arts in Practice syllabus
  • Angela Pratt, Manager of the Learning Area: The Arts – new processes and overarching principles.

You can also request all three, or phone or email these officers anytime for a one on one discussion.
[email protected]

(07) 3120 6173

Visual Art in the Primary School

If you are interested in Visual Art in Primary school, you might like to connect up with the Primary Arts Network.

[email protected]

2020 Conference help

The QATA conference is the work of a small and dedicated team of volunteers who, like you, are also juggling fulltime jobs and families. The conference committee is made up of the QATA executive and other QATA members. Anyone can join this committee and it would be wonderful to have more help.

If you’d like to be involved in the 2020 conference, please get in touch via [email protected]. Planning starts early and we’d love to hear from you. You don’t need to be in the South East corner to help out.

Did you know, the work you do on a committee like this is valuable when compiling evidence for AITSL standards for Lead and Highly Accomplished teacher applications, your CV and so on?

Conference Survey and PD certificate

If you attended the conference and have not received a survey or a PD certificate please get in touch. You can also provide conference feedback via [email protected] . Remember we are all volunteers and will get to your query as quickly as we can.

Metro Cluster Meeting save the date

QATA has supported a series of cluster meetings throughout the year to allow teachers to discuss their work on new syllabus implementation. Thanks to the generous staff at Brisbane Girls Grammar School and All Hallows School for hosting these so far. The next Metro cluster meeting is scheduled for Cannon Hill Anglican College on Wednesday 30 October.

We will continue to send significant discussion points to all members through QATA posts, so that regional members also benefit from these meetings. See the latest Metro Cluster meeting post about Endorsement tips here .

Museum of Contemporary Art Australia survey for primary teachers

The MCA is developing an online professional learning course for primary school teachers, and have asked QATA to assist by distributing the survey link through our network: 

We are surveying primary teachers at all stages of their career and in all states and territories. May I ask you to please share the link to the 3 minute survey with your network? It would assist us in creating something that primary teachers enjoy using to create confidence in teaching contemporary art and and cross curriculum priority areas such as STEAM and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures

Contact MCA if you have any questions.