22 Apr QATA Monthly Meeting May 7
Good morning all
Please find attached a copy of our upcoming meeting’s agenda. We meet again on Wednesday, May 7, and this time we will be at QUT. Linda Knight has kindly offered to present on the International Drawing Project, as well as Art and Education Research Degrees.
Also find a copy of last meeting’s minutes here: QATA Minutes 2014 March 19
Don’t forget to check out Creative Generation Excellence Awards for Visual Art at GOMA. It is on now! Cai Guo-Qiang also wraps up on May 11.
Lastly, we have some info on a really interesting PD coming up at QUT on plant anatomy, one of which is relevant to non-scientists, especially artists. A brief description and the dates for both courses are provided below. The attached flyers and the QUT website have additional details about registration and course overview.
Plant anatomy for artists and non-scientists: Sunday 4th May (9am-4:30pm) $150 non-scientists-plant anatomy
Plant anatomy for scientists: 3rd, 4th and 5th June (9am-4:30pm) $400 scientists- plant anatomy
“Plant anatomy for artists and non-scientists” will focus on the amazing beauty of the internal structure of plants, accompanied with non-technical explanations of the material observed. The target audience for this course is the general public interested in understanding how plants work and seeing what plants looks like under a microscope and those interested in using plants for artistic inspiration.
“Plant anatomy for scientists” will provide theory, practical and techniques at a far more advanced level than that offered in most undergraduate subjects. The target audience for this course is researchers, including students (honours, postgrad), postdocs and technicians – anyone involved in some aspect of understanding and investigating plant structure.
Dr Tanya Scharaschkin is a lecturer in the School of Earth, Environmental and Biological Sciences at QUT. She has over 20 years of teaching experience, and is involved in science engagement and outreach activities promoting an understanding of plant sciences in schools and the general public. Tanya provides hands-on training to research students, assists with projects across different discipline areas that require an understanding of plant biology and provides advice on how best to examine plant structure. She is actively leading the establishment and development of laboratory techniques related to investigating plant structure (anatomy and morphology) at QUT. Tanya is also a botanical artist and interested in various arts and crafts. Much of her work is inspired by what she observes around her, especially botanical material.
Have a great day and see you in a couple of weeks!
Jess and Adam.