QATA MONTHLY MEETING – Wednesday June 4 @ QUT Art Museum

QATA MONTHLY MEETING – Wednesday June 4 @ QUT Art Museum

Good morning all

Please find attached the agenda for our QATA Monthly meeting, held next week at QUT Art Museum.  See you there!

QATA Agenda June 4 (Term 2 Wk 7)

Meeting Details:
Meeting at 4.30pm @ QUT Art Museum (Gardens Point).
Pia Robinson presenting QUTAM Education Program and Charles Robb presenting on the challenges of teaching interdisciplinary contemporary art.




QATA MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES   QATA Agenda May 15 QATA Minutes 2014 May 7th



School Art Supplies is thrilled to present : THE PD EVENT

Saturday 9th August 2014  PD event image

“Our aim is to provide an enjoyable day full of inspirational and relevant PD workshops and an opportunity for teachers to network – fully catered and with entertainment, at a venue with easy parking.”  For more information check out the website, or see the attached flyer:

SAS PD Event



 QUT School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations with support from The Communications Council, Design Minds and ATOM, is offering high school students in South East Queensland a unique opportunity to work as an advertising team and create a campaign for a real-life client.

Participating teams will be briefed by the client, work with university and industry mentors, and pitch to a panel of judges from the advertising world. The client for the 2014 challenge will be announced on Friday May 30… Watch this Space!!

When? Term 3, Friday 18 July 2014

Where? The Cube, QUT Gardens Point campus

What time? 9am – 4pm

This competition is open to students in year 10-12.

Team: 4-6 students per team (one team per school) and there is a limited number of teams so get in quick!

Price: $120 per team (or $100 if you get in early)

How do I find out more/ register a team? Visit:



The Festival is named for Daphne Mayo who was past student at the shcool and our MAYO gallery with works for sale focuses on 3D works including sculpture, ceramics and jewellery.

Please find attached the invitation to the Friday May 30th ticketed event.  It is also possible to see the gallery works on Saturday May 31st from 12-6pm.  There are also wonderful displays of student work and 2 gallery talks, one by Michael Ether from Fireworks and one from  St Margaret’s past student, young artist CJ Hendry.  Details for these talks will be on our website:

MAYO invite



Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 July 2014
10am – 3pm
Royal International Convention Centre, Brisbane

Admission is free!
Register online at and follow us on for the latest information on exhibitors, seminars and great prizes.

The Queensland Education Resources Expo (QUEDREX) is Queensland’s only free admission trade show specifically designed for educators. QUEDREX will showcase innovative ideas, products and services to enhance your career and workplace.

At the event visitors will have access to hundreds of education resources, over 30 seminars and workshops, many prizes and special offers and the opportunity to request a certificate for continuing professional development. There is no other event like QUEDREX in Queensland and I highly encourage you and your industry friends to attend this year.

Flyer attached:  Electronic Flyer - QUEDREX 2014