Regional Arts Australia National Conference Conference Presenter call out

Regional Arts Australia National Conference Conference Presenter call out

RAA-conference-WEBLaunceston, Tasmania was the home of the 2010 Regional Arts Australia National Conference, Junction 2010. In 2012 the conference moves to Goolwa, South Australia. Regional Arts Australia are calling for presenters, video work and panellists to be involved.

Using the lenses of cultural leadership and emerging digital cultures, they invite you to participate around one or more of the following themes;

  • Resilient People, Strong Communities
  • Our Responsibility, Environmental Sustainability
  • Organisations, Policies, Partnerships and Models for the Future

If you have a great idea that you’d like to share in a panel, presentation or workshop you should consider nominating yourself. The call for participation is now open for the 2012 Regional Arts Australia National Conference, hosted by Country Arts SA.

For more information and to keep updated about the development of the festival, please join the 2012 conference mailing list at the Arts Alexandrina website.

Nominations close Tuesday 28 February 2012.