QATA Conference resources Ignite 2017

Download the Conference Program


Facilitated conversations

Facilitated conversations were a new feature of the QATA conference in 2017. These sessions provide participants with the opportunity to discuss and share issues, ideas and solutions with colleagues. Participants had a choice of six sessions on current topics in Visual Art education. Minutes from each session were recorded and are available below.







Authentic experience minutesAuthentic experience presentation
Literacy and Visual Art minutes
Visual Arts in Practice SAS minutesVisual Arts in Practice SAS presentation
Display and curriculum P-12 minutes
Aligning P-10 Australian Curriculum minutesAligning P-10 Australian Curriculum
Regional experience of art education minutes
Webinar videos

This year we trialed live webinars for participants who could not attend the conference for the whole day or get to Brisbane. Our webinar sessions included:


Presented by Terry Deen, QAGOMA

Terry presented initial findings from the first round of regional arts education workshops delivered by the QAGOMA Learning department in five regional venues across Queensland. The program, ‘Art as exchange’ is a pilot initiative that developed in response to regional gallerys in Queensland expressing a desire to engage with ideas and practice in context.

Watch a video of this presentation.  Please enter the password QATAVIDEO


NGUZU DANALAYG (My Life) Our Journey
Presented by Ebony Russell & Laurie Nona

A collaboration between Laurie Nona, Ebony Russel and 25 Year 12 Visual Arts in Practice students from St Patrick’s College, Townsville was presented, including printmaking, curriculum and exhibition outcomes.

Watch a video of this presentation. Please enter the password QATAVIDEO