03 May Subscription confirmation
Posted at 23:34h
in QATA news
We are in the process of improving the security of our subscriber list. If you received an email with the request below, don’t worry, it is from QATA and is a safe email. Please click the confirmation in your email to continue receiving news and updates about QATA events. Or if you prefer, you can also unsubscribe, but we really don’t want to lose contact with you – there is lots happening and we wouldn’t want you to miss out.
You are receiving this message because you are a subscriber to Queensland Art Teachers Association. We want to maintain the security of our website and email contacts. Please confirm your subscription to continue to receive emails from us and stay up-to-date with the latest QATA news and events: |
(Click the button in the email you recevied to confirm your subscription) Thank you, Queensland Art Teachers Association |