Term 2 member meetings; Subject-scaling response; Conference news

Term 2 member meetings; Subject-scaling response; Conference news

Term 2 Member Meetings

Please join us face-to-face or online for our Term 2 Members Meeting and an opportunity to hear first-hand about Australian Curriculum Visual Art changes for P-10. ACARA Arts specialists Helen Champion and Robyn Carmody will be in attendance and seeking feedback from members.
Venue: Brisbane Girls Grammar School and online.
Date: Wednesday 26 May 2021
Time: 4:00 – 5:30pm


  1. Australian Curriculum review information and feedback
  2. IA3 pedagogy approaches
  3. QCAA Q&A

Click here to register & more information

Darling Downs cluster meeting
Experience an introduction level to wheeling throwing from professional artist, David Usher.
Venue: School of Creative Arts, USQ
Date: Wednesday 19 May 2021
Time: 4:00pm

Click here to register & more information

QAAE Media Campaign
More than a number

In response to the QTAC report on inter-subject scaling, QATA has been engaging with other Arts professional associations through our representation on The Queensland Advocates for Arts Education (QAAE). QAAE provides access to an extensive network of arts educators and artists and represents the interests, concerns, values and priorities of arts educators.

One of the first QAAE actions taken is to develop a media campaign featuring testimonials of past Arts students who recognise the benefits of Arts education after school and the transferability of Arts skills.

We need your help reaching out to former students who could effectively deliver these messages in video interviews. The right candidates are students who:

  • were successful in Visual Art at school
  • have been successful in non-art related careers and/or study
  • can demonstrate how the knowledge and skills learnt in Visual Art have been beneficial after school.

If you are in contact with a former student who would be likely to participate and assist this important cause, please ask them to complete the online form at this link on the ATOM website: www.atomqld.org.au/more-than-a-number/
Or contact QATA for more information.
The videos will be produced by a professional production company and shared across multiple social media platforms. It will also be made available to members to use at subject-selection events and other occasions with the school community.
We recognise the urgency of this action to minimise the impact of the scaling reports on subject-selection this year. Keeping high-achieving students in the Arts is key to improving the scaling results. It is important that we continue to push the QTAC message that students should continue to select subjects that they enjoy and will do well in.

Tote bag artwork voting

Thank you if you have already voted for your favourite artwork in the tote bag competition. Voting is open to all conference attendees and closes May 21. Click here if you haven’t voted yet.

Click here to vote »

Conference tickets

Response to the conference has been outstanding. There are still tickets available and while a few workshops have reached capacity, there are plenty more fantastic options to choose from. See the conference page for more details and registration.

More information and registration »