24 Jan We Made This: The Edge 2nd Birthday Bash!
To celebrate their second birthday, The Edge | SLQ are hosting a little party, and it will only be fun if you are there!
The EDGE are celebrating in DIY style, 50 free workshops in 5 hours on everything from paper plane making and guerilla gardening to high speed photography, underwater sound recording and documentary film making. Also on the bill will be bands, exhibitions and a suitcase rummage.
Everything is free and no bookings are required. Doors open at 12pm on 25 February. Everyone is welcome!
Magnificent Flying Machines
It’s time to get serious about your paper plane makin’. Arguably man’s greatest invention, these little flying machines are both cheap and fun to make. This workshop throws caution to the wind and sends you plummeting into the world of aerodynamics as you build 10 different kinds of paper planes. Figure out how and why they work and take home the instructions to amaze your friends and family. Prizes will also be awarded for the furthest flight on the day.
When: 1pm, 4pm, 25 Feb
Where: Window Bay 4
Cost: Free
Bookings: No bookings are required for this workshop, just come along on the day
DIY Bookbinding
Turn your piles of paper, manuscripts, notes and doodles into a professional book. From cover to cover your book will look the part and be ready to take pride of place on your shelf. No experience is required, and the only skill needed to participate is patience. All materials will be provided, alternatively you are welcome to bring in a collection of your own papers to bind.
When: 2pm, 5pm, 25 Feb
Where: Window Bay 4
Cost: Free
Bookings: No bookings are required for this workshop, just come along on the day
High Speed Photography
Ever wanted to capture an image of very fast moving objects and phenomena like smashing a window, exploding a water balloon or throwing a tomato? If you’re nodding your head, then this workshop is for you. High-speed photography is a technique used to take pictures that are usually too fast to be visible to the human eye. Learn the basics of this lower cost set-up, and maybe smash a tomato or two!
When: 1pm-2:30pm, 3pm-4:30pm, 25 Feb
Where: Level 0 (aka the basement)
Cost: Free
Bookings: No bookings are required for this workshop, just come along on the day
Intro to Documentary Filmmaking
Focusing on the ‘shut-up and shoot’ style of filmmaking, this workshop will equip you to film on the run, and nail your lighting and sound recording techniques. Designed to be an interactive production based workshop, facilitator Ben will put into your hands the professional grade equipment you need to set up for a documentary style interview. You will learn how to white balance, focus and use exposure; and explore different recording formats.
When: 1pm, 3pm, 25 Feb
Where: Mezzanine, Level 2
Cost: Free
Bookings: No bookings are required for this workshop, just come along on the day
Stop Motion Animation
Revisit your child-like creative side. Get down and dirty with play dough, recycled cardboard and found objects to create a backdrop for your animation ala Wallace and Gromit, Jason and the Argonauts and Gumby. No previous knowledge required, just a decent dose of imagination.
When: 1pm -2:30pm, 3pm – 4:30pm, 25 Feb
Where: Window Bay 6
Cost: Free
Bookings: No bookings are required for this workshop, just come along on the day
Create Your Own Super Hero
Comic residents Ashcan are back with a banging new workshop. Spend an hour with one of the talented and knowledgeable Ashcan crew and create your own superhero. It’s time to bring your fantasies to life, complete with walking through walls, mind control, sonic screams and The Edge’s personal favourite Technopathy (the ability to manipulate technology). Learn from the best as you explore existing super hero character models from Marvel and DC and put pen to paper to create your very own.
When: 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 25 Feb
Where: Window Bay 1
Cost: Free
Bookings: No bookings are required for this workshop, just come along on the day
Inflate O Morphia (aka 3D inflatable sculptures)
Spend an hour with crazy genius Beh Wattenberg and learn the art of inflatable sculptures. Using all recycled post consumer waste (i.e plastics, fans and tape) you will learn physical concepts of pneumatic pressure, surface tension, volume, light transmission and artistic robustness. But if that all sounds a little complex, don’t fret. We’ll be starting from the beginning and at the end of it all, there’ll be something resembling a blimp.
When: 1pm, 2pm, 4pm, 5pm, 25 Feb
Where: Window Bay 9
Cost: Free
Bookings: No bookings are required for this workshop, just come along on the day
Slammers: Shifting Worlds With Words
Have you wanted to master the art of articulation? Use words to your advantage? Understand the use and artistic importance of alliteration? Well, learn some slam poetry! Brisbane based slam poet, Scott Sneddon will show you effective ways to use your voice, words and action in a performance (and we think just everyday life).
When: 1pm, 2pm, 25 Feb
Where: Lab 3
Cost: Free
Bookings: No bookings are required for this workshop, just come along on the day
Blinged Badges
In this workshop you will make a wearable pin badge complete with flashing lights to attract some serious attention. You will learn how to design and construct a simple electronic circuit using conductive thread and LED’s. So and come get crafty and add some excitement to your wardrobe.
When: 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 25 Feb
Where: Window Bay 5
Cost: Free
Bookings: No bookings are required for this workshop, just come along on the day
Pizza Box Oven
Who would have thought foil, glad wrap, black cardboard and a pizza box could make an oven? If you’re still not convinced, come meet our new DIY Catalyst, Clinton Freeman, who’ll show you how it’s done. This is definitely one that you should try at home.
When: 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 25 Feb
Where: Window Bay 3
Cost: Free
Bookings: No bookings are required for this workshop, just come along on the day
Underwater Sound Recording
This workshop is a quick intro to underwater sound recording, handy for those moments you find yourself composing your best songs in the depths of the bath tub. In this workshop you’ll make your own piezoelectric transducer hydrophone (underwater microphone). Things will get a little wet as we go and make some recordings of the unfamiliar sounds of the river to share.
When: 4pm, 5pm, 25 Feb
Where: Lab 2
Cost: Free
Bookings: No bookings are required for this workshop, just come along on the day
LED Throwies
DIY Resident, Nathen Street, will be adapting the work of the Graffiti Research Lab in New York to bring you a throwies workshop. These little LED magnets allow you to use light to make your mark on the metal fixtures in and around your environment. A quick and simple introduction to the world of electronics, this workshop is suitable for all ages.
When: 1pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 25 Feb
Where: Window Bay 2
Cost: Free
Bookings: No bookings are required for this workshop, just come along on the day
Photo Manipulation
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but those words are not always truthful. Join Hannah Suarez as she leads an expedition into the world of photo manipulation into the land of photo surrealism. Hannah will host an hour of Photoshop fun in our splendid Mac lab and teach you some tips and tools to create your own photo mash up.
When: 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 25 Feb
Where: Lab 1
Cost: Free
Bookings: No bookings are required for this workshop, just come along on the day
For any lovers of music, this intensive beat making workshop will not disappoint. Lea
rn the basics of step sequencing and build your own hip-hop, breakbeat or freestyle rhythms. Add bass lines and leads and follow your musical instincts to make your own tracks. The workshop will use FL Studio music software. Computer workstations and headphones provided. No experience necessary, though advanced users are welcome to bring some skills to share.
When: 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 25 Feb
Where: Lab 3
Cost: Free
Bookings: No bookings are required for this workshop, just come along on the day
Guerrilla Gardening
Ever notice those ugly pockets of your neighbourhood that need some love? This is your chance to paint the town green one seed bomb at a time. In this one hour workshop you’ll be given all of the ingredients to make your very own seed bombs. Choose from a variety of seeds and craft a handmade clay seed bomb. Get your hands dirty and make Brisbane a greener place.
When: 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 25 Feb
Where: Front foyer (in front of VSO counter, near entrance)
Cost: Free
Bookings: No bookings are required for this workshop, just come along on the day