QATA Monthly Meeting July 31 and CGEN entries close Friday!!!

QATA Monthly Meeting July 31 and CGEN entries close Friday!!!

Morning all

Our July QATA meeting has been postponed until Wednesday 31st July.  We are very excited to have Griffith University Art Gallery host this month, showcasing ‘the churchie’ national emerging art prize.

Agenda attached here:

QATA Agenda July 31


Also, please don’t forget to upload your Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art for 2013, as submissions close this Friday, 19 July 2013.  Visit the website for information on how to submit.

Highlight the Visual Art talent in your school by submitting up to four students’ work.


We hope you have had a fantastic start back to Term 3.  See you on the 31st!


Jess, Adam and Angela.