08 Nov UQ Art Museum: PD opportunity- National Self-Portrait Prize exhibition
Dear QATA members,
See below for an invitation from the UQ Art Museum to High school teachers:
Dear colleagues,
We are offering a professional development opportunity for High School teachers, in association with our 2015 National Self Portrait Prize exhibition, curated by Michael Desmond, a former Deputy Director of the National Portrait Gallery, Canberra. The $50,000 invitation-only, acquisitive prize is held by UQ Art Museum every two years. Find out more http://www.artmuseum.uq.edu.au/content/2015-national-self-portrait-prize
For curator Michael Desmond “Self portraits tend to record a moment, less than a second in the case of photography, and only marginally longer in traditional art media. Yet, the idea of ‘becoming’ might be useful in considering self portraiture. Movement and change, reflected in the individual as development and ageing, are difficult to summarise visually. For many artists, looking to the future is appealing, but is leavened by the recognition that this moment – the present – is forever lost. The idea of existing somewhere between entropy and transcendence is at the heart of the 2015 National Self-Portrait.” A free full colour digital catalogue will accompany the exhibition.
This Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program provides an opportunity to explore the self portrait as a visual manifestation of a sense of self/identity in contemporary art, and consider interdisciplinary connections and ideas that can be applied to senior high school teaching. It complements the focus in the Australian Curriculum on developing and enriching student learning by providing professional development experiences that value ongoing professional renewal, foster innovation, and support interdisciplinary exchange and collaboration.
We welcome participation from Visual Art and other high school disciplines. Attendance contributes towards the required 20 hours of Continuing Professional Development for teachers and certificates of participation will be provided.
10.00am-11.00am: Coffee on arrival, teacher registration and exhibition viewing
11.00am-12.00pm: Panel discussion on contemporary self-portraiture and the theme of ‘becoming’ with Dr Sally Butler, Jon Cattapan and Michael Desmond.
12.00pm-1.00pm: artist talks by Jacqueline Bradley, Julia deVille, Guan Wei and John Nixon.
As in previous years, we anticipate that our 2015 winner will join the panel discussion and artist talks.
When: Saturday 14 November
Where: UQ Art Museum
Cost: Free
RSVP Wednesday 11 November
07 3365 3046 [email protected].
Enquiries to [email protected]
Best wishes,
Gillian Ridsdale
Curator of Public Programs | UQ Art Museum
The University of Queensland | Brisbane Queensland 4072 | Australia
Telephone + 61 7 3346 7793 | Fax + 61 7 3346 8760
email [email protected] | web www.artmuseum.uq.edu.au