QATA History, people, journals

QATA began publishing regular quarterly journals in 1971. Known as “ISABOUT”, the journal connected and communicated with members throughout the state, providing feature articles, work units, ideas for the classroom, developments in industry training, current art education issues, innovations, explorations, and film, video and exhibition reviews.

In 2001, as websites and emails were more accessible, QATA print publications took on a new direction with briefer, quarterly bulletins and one large professional journal.

QATA is now in the process of digitally archiving our collection of ISABOUT journals and bulletins. We currently hold copies of the publications that are listed below.

Follow the links to view the digital versions. 

Do you or your school have copies of ISABOUT that are not listed? Perhaps you can fill some of the missing information about QATA events and executive committees. Please contact [email protected] to find out how you can share QATA history with members.


2023JUL 11-13: QATACON 24 Create the futurePresident: Victoria Boulter Groening
V-President: Annabel Back (from Sep)
Treasurer: Dani Towers
Secretary: Karen McCarthy-Wendijk
2023JUL 13-15: QATACON 23 PerspectivesPresident: Victoria Boulter Groening
V-President: Rossina Moore
Treasurer: Dani Towers
Secretary: Karen McCarthy-Wendijk
2022JUL 15-16: QATACON 22 Starting PointsPresident: Dani Towers
V-President: Bethany Loveridge
Treasurer: Lynette Shanahan
Secretary: Kylie Dell
2021JUL 16-17: QATA conference Re-connectPresident: Dani Towers
V-President: Luana Davidson
Treasurer: Bethany Loveridge
Secretary: Kylie Dell
2020Conference cancelled due to COVID-19President: Jo Hine / Dani Towers
V-President: Dani Towers / Luana Davidson
Treasurer: Bethany Loveridge
Secretary: Vicki Williams
201919-20 JUL: QATA State Conference "Exchange 2.0"President: Jo Hine
V-President: Vicki Williams
Treasurer: Katy Ward
Secretary: Dani Towers
201820-21 JUL: QATA State Conference "Exchange"President: Katy Ward
V-President: Sara Whomsley
Treasurer: Crystal McKean
Secretary: Jo Hine
201722 JUL: QATA State Conference "Ignite"President: Katy Ward
V-President: Sara Whomsley
Treasurer: Angela Brown
Secretary: Dani Towers
201616 JUL: QATA State Conference "Activate"President: Jo Hine
V-President: Katy Ward
Treasurer: Angela Brown
Secretary: Vicki Williams
201518 JUL: QATA State Conference "Momentum"President: Jo Hine
V-President: Katy Ward
Treasurer: Angela Brown
Secretary: Vicki Williams
2014President: Jess Wall
V-President: Adam Jefford
Treasurer: Angela Brown
Secretary: Sam Martinuzzi

2013President: Jessica Wall
V-President: Adam Jefford
201220 JUN: Art Teacher Art Exhibition President: Jessica Wall
V-President: Adam Jefford
Treasurer: Graham Nash
Secretary: Angela Brown

"QUT goDesign Workshop program" Hael Kobayashi
"Where the hands go the mind follows" Jonathan Baxter
"Beyond Visual Arts" Sue Welch
"Artist-in-residency programs – a key ingredient to the classroom" Kerrie Corcoran
"Asia Perspective in Visual Arts" James Davis
"Take Advantage of the Australian Dollar to support your Professional Development" Graham Nash
20 JUN: Art Teacher Art Exhibition President: Jessica Wall
V-President: Adam Jefford
Treasurer: Graham Nash
Secretary: Angela Brown
2009Journal"2009 at the QSA" Susan Hollindale
"Living City" Les Hooper
"ART ECO Trail" Dr Kerrie Corcoran
"Art Space" Jason Lane
"Tales from the City" Les Hooper
"Making your mark" Dr Manuel Petavrakis
"Teaching Creativity" Donald Welch
"10 things about Design" Les Hooper
"What is a Student's Culture?" Max Darby
"From Margin to Centre" Graham Nash
"Arts Advocacy" Graham Nash
13 JUL: QATA Secondary In-service day
QATA conference in Chillagoe
President: Les Hooper
V-President: Sue Pritchard
Treasurer: Stewart Service
Secretary: Graham Nash
2006Journal"The Arts and the early and middle phases of learning" Deb Cohen
"National Review of Visual Education" Les Hooper
"Culture Pedagogy and Art" Rachel Mason
"Cracking the Da Vinci Code" Lee Emery
"The Office" Charles Robb
"Why Fire Pots?" Peter Lavery
"Access Asia Tour of China" Bev Ditton
"Imagining the City" Les Hooper
"Senior Visual Art" Karen Murry
"Homage 2005" KGSC
"Why do artists create?" Kaylene Smith
10 JUL: QATA Student Free day workshops and forum
Art Teachers Art
25-27 AUG: Qld Youth Art Awards
20-22 SEP: Living City
President: Les Hooper
V-President: Deb Cohen
Treasurer: Graham Nash
Secretary: Sally Allnutt
2004Journal (June)Free promotional issue
Arts Partnerships in Education: Making a difference
The Manipulation of Space and Time
Using the Voices and Visions CD Roms in the Arts
The Arts in Practice - Study Area Specification (SAS)
V-President: Deb Cohen
2003Journal28 APR: PAN primary in-service day
17-18 MAY: QATA Annual Conference
20 JUN: Art Teacher Art exhibition
14 JUL: Secondary Art teacher in-service
17-19 SEP: Living City Project
3 DEC: Creative Arts Market
President: Deb Cohen
V-President: Les Hooper
Treasurer: Graham Nash
Secretary: Kerrie Corcoran
2002Term 1New Basics: Wonder reform or wonderful folly
8 APR: PAN primary in-service
17 MAY: Beginning Art Teacher Conference (proposed/ cancelled due to lack of interest)
18-19 MAY: QATA Annual conference
24 MAY: Art Teacher Art Exhibition
4-5 JUL: Virtual Arts conference
8 JUL: Secondary In-service Day
8 JUL: Regional In-service Visual Arts education day
President: Deb Cohen
V-President: Deb Ruellan
Treasurer: Graham Nash
Secretary: Viv Glover
Term 2Arts and education partnerships renewed at the annual conference
Living City
David Hockney - Secret knowledge rediscovering the lost techniques of the old masters
Symposium: Innovation in the Visual Arts
"Valuing the Aesthetic" Ann Bamford
"The Urgent Need for Visual Literacy" Julie Peachey
"Living City" Les Hooper
A new teacher - a new school or (What they don't really tell you at Uni)" Sarah Round
Collaboration, Courage, confidence, commitment in light of current curriculum reform agendas" Gladys Martoo
"A copyright guide for teachers" Dianne Speakman
"Understanding the 2001 syllabus" Brendan Lea
"The Real Thing" Learning in the Art Gallery" Michael Beckmann
"Excellence in Visual Arts: Year 7 integration program" Venus Ganis and Peta Wilson
"The Future of the Visual Arts in the 21st century" Donal Fitzpatrick
ETRF: Education Training Reform for the Future - ICTS for work and school
APT highlights at QAG
AGM President's report
Arts Education: the missing link in US schools
Primary Art Network update
Visual Arts education in Papua New Guinea
2001Term 1 / Vol 1, No. 1New Senior Visual Art Syllabus
Minister's Art Awards for Excellence in Visual Art touring exhibition
23 APR: PAN/QATA Primary Art in-service
5-7 JUL: Visual Arts Technology Conference
9 JUL: QATA Secondary In-service day
26-28 JUL: Excellence in Youth Art awards
24 AUG: Art Teacher Art Exhibition & Auction
5 DEC: Creative Arts Market
President: Deb Cohen
V-President: Deb Ruellan
Treasurer: Graham Nash
Secretary: Deb Cohen
Term 2Kilns: Cause & Effects
Moral Rights, new copyright laws
Regional teachers & QATA opportunities
Artist highlight: Eleanor Avery
Term 3Implications for The Arts from the Years 1-10 Curriculum Framework for Education Qld Schools
Ed Qld delivers new guidelines on Kiln Operation
QATA Conference highlights
William Robinson at QAG
Rockhampton Gifted & Talented Day
2000AutumnQSCC Reply to QATA's 1-10 KLA Draft Syllabus response
'PARTS' (Primary Arts) Craig Hynes
"ANTIX Youth Culture" Bonita Broegeler
"The role of the primary art teacher" Kim Knott
"New Basics - Theory into practice" Alan Luke
28 JAN: PAN/QATA Primary In-service
13-14 MAY: QATA Annual Conference
13-14 JUL: QATA/ATOM Technology conference
17 JUL: Inservice workshop for secondary teachers
24 NOV: Art Teacher Exhibition
6 DEC: Creative Arts Market
President: Deb Cohen
V-President: Brendan Lea
Treasurer: Graham Nash
Secretary: Sarah Round
WinterQATA conference update, Vicki Park
"My View - Preservice teacher" Allie Cameron
"Living City" Les Hooper
"Integrating technology into the art classroom" Glenda Hennig
"Visual Literacy" Lee Emery & Adele Flood
"A Postcard" Graham Nash
"New Senior Syllabus" Brendan Lea
"The Notions of Interval" Kathy Mackie
"Basically New Basics: reflections on the 'Spotlight on Learning' conference" Viv Glover
'Felix the Flying Frog' A parable about modern management
InSEA Update
InSEA Presenter Profile
20 FEB: QATA Art auction & Dinner
21-23 MAY: Annual QATA Conference
21-26 SEP: INSEA World Conference Brisbane
President: Karen Wilbur-Smith
V-President: Brendan Lea
Treasurer: Graham Nash
Secretary: Deb Cohen
SpringInSEA conference
QATA response to the KLA Years 1-10 Draft Syllabus
"In the Making" John Honeywill
1998MARCH Vol 1
P-10 Curriculum primary focus:
Primary Visual Art units.
Advocacy for the Arts - NAAE
"What influence does the teacher/artist have on the making of art by the student/ artist" Debbie Ruellan
15-17 MAY: Annual QATA conference
24-26 JUL: Excellence in Youth Art workshops & Exhibition
7-9 AUG: QCA Fine Art Symposium (Stradbroke Island)
12 AUG: Art Teachers Art Exhibition
President: Karen Wilbur-Smith
V-President: Debra Harrison
Treasurer: Graham Nash
Secretary: Deb Cohen
June / Vol 2Workplace Health and Safety
Update from QLD Schools Curriculum Council concerning the Arts Design Brief
September / Vol 3QATA Conference report and outcomes
"The Arts in an Outcomes Driven Curriculum" Dr Lee Emery
QATA's new website
Years 1-10 Arts Syllabus Draft Outcomes in Visual Arts
InSEA: Event of a Lifetime
A Breath of Fresh A.I.R. - Artist in Residence programs around the state
1997April / Vol 215 AUG: Art Teachers' ExhibitionPresident: David Hawke
V-President: Graham Nash
Treasurer: Marie Joyce
Secretary: Trish Gault
August / Vol 3
November / Vol 4Sample Senior Making tasks
1996AprilPresident: Jan Leo
V-President: Graham Nash
Treasurer: Marie Joyce
Secretary: Trish Gault
1995March / Vol 1President: Jan Leo
V-President: Lance Courtenay
Treasurer: Marie Joyce
Secretary: Alison Danziger
June / Vol 2
September / Vol 3
December / Vol 4
1994March / Vol 1Visual Artists-In-Schools: Advocacy Forum
Women Working in the Arts: Opening of Two High exhibition
Go Techno with Margot Duncan
Treasurer: Margaret Ryan
Secretary: Maxine Conroy
June / Vol 2
September / Vol 3Aesthetics and Art as a Brain Fact
New approaches to teaching art history and aesthetics
December / Vol 4
1993MarchFrom California - teacher exchange story
Finn, Mayer & Carmichael Report
President: Jan Leo
V-President: Lance Courtenay
Treasurer: Annelise Howes
Secretary: Maxine Conroy
unknown month
1992MarchPresident: Mary Jane North
V-President: Lance Courtenay
Treasurer: Annelise Howes
Secretary: Maxine Conroy
Editorial: computer technology
1991MarchPresident: Mary Jane North
V-President: Lance Courtenay
Treasurer: Neil Kelly
Secretary: Maxine Conroy
1990MarchArts Fusion Projects in North Qld Schools
Paint Can: Using computers in Art Education #1
President: Victoria Garnons-Williams
V-President: Lance Courtenay
Treasurer: Mary-Jane North
Secretary: Rhana Davenport
JuneWhat does QATA do?
Postmodernism - Threats and Promises
Paint Can: Using computers in Art Education #2
The importance of Design and technology in Education
1989March4 MAR: Ipswich Regional Gallery in-service day
1 SEP: QATA Teacher Exhibition
President: Victoria Garnons-Williams
Forum on Exhibitions and competitions involving student work
International Art Exchange Project
The Peninsula Region Art Education Association Seminar
"The man who mistook his wife for a hat" Brian Dean
Ipswich Regional Gallery in-service day
1988JuneSpecial 'Policy statement' issuePresident: Victoria Garnons-Williams
V-President: Lance Courtenay
Treasurer: Tricia Whitman
Secretary: Mary North
DecemberSpecial primary curriculum issue
1986FebruaryQATA student exhibition 1985
QATA draft policy statement on art competitions and exhibitions for pupils
The status of art in schools
President: Robyn Wasson
V-President: Peter Fenoglio
Treasurer: Karen Mudie
Secretary: Sukli Finney
1971Vol 1Examinations
Van Gogh dropped in for a beer
President: Jeff Shaw
Treasurer: Col Portley
1970Vol 1Provision of Materials for Grade 8: $2.00 Art levy
Sex and Art
Clay Realizes Itself
President: Angus Lyall-Wilson
Treasurer: Alan Cunningham
Vol 2The Importance of Creative Art and Craft at Primary School
Art Teachers Abused
Why Art Teaching Stinks: Part 1 How and what to teach
Textile Art
Let your students work on canvas
Don't despise your local clay
Vol. 3After Senior - A few thoughts
Van Gogh dropped in for a beer the other night
Make a story - Make a picture
Equipment and Materials